Have you bought your adult coloring book yet?
I recently checked the top 100 books on Amazon and SEVEN of them were adult coloring books. This list is the bestselling books on all of Amazon. Just in case you didn’t get that – ALL categories and ALL books being sold on Amazon. Two adult coloring books were in the top twenty and ahead of Harper Lee’s bestseller Go Set a Watchman. Adult coloring books are crazy popular. Chances are, you either have an adult coloring book, or you are going to buy one in the near future. If you are still on the fence, and haven’t taken the adult coloring book plunge, here are ten reasons you should jump right in and enjoy the coloring craze.
All your friends are doing it
Nothing like peer pressure, right? It worked in high-school and it still works now. If all the cool kids are doing it, then it must be cool, right? Adult coloring books are way cool. And all the cool kids are coloring. Really. They are.
The stress will melt like butter
Just like Calgon, coloring can take you away. Away from all the stress of daily life and your endless to do list. Your blood pressure will drop and all that tension you keep in your neck and shoulders will dissolve. Soon you’ll feel a strange sensation cross your face – a smile.
You’ll feel like a kid again
Remember coming home from school with a colored page to show your parents? Remember how proud you were of your little masterpiece? As soon as you color your first page from an adult coloring book, you are going to want to show it off. If you’re married, your husband will soon learn to say “Nice” with a little smile when you interrupt his television program to show him the latest page you colored. (You might want to think about joining a Facebook group for sharing images of colored pages to spare him)
Buying new markers is so fun
Once you buy that adult coloring book, then you have to decide what to use to color it with. That’s when it really gets fun. Sure, you can use the kids’ old stubby crayons, but soon you’ll see that just won’t do. You need your own tools of creation. They might be new crayons, gel pens, colored pencils, or Sharpie markers. Whatever you choose, you aren’t going to believe how much fun it is to buy that package of coloring bliss. (Here is a link to a blog post with more info on what kind of markers, gel pens, and coloring pencils work best)
Inexpensive way to have hours of fun
Adult coloring books are relatively inexpensive. Pick up a book and a big package of Sharpie markers for less than thirty dollars and you are ready for hours and hours of coloring fun. Depending on the complexity of the images, a single page might take many hours to color. Imagine yourself cuddled up on the couch, wearing cozy clothes, and coloring for a couple of hours before bedtime. Every night. Ahhh….
You forgot how much you love to color
You used to like to color. Maybe you even colored with your kids for a while. But somewhere along the line, you quit coloring. You didn’t have the time. Or the urge. But the urge is still there. Pick up an adult coloring book, start flipping through the pages, and that urge will come to life. And start jumping for joy.
You won’t have to share your adult coloring book
An adult coloring book is something just for you. You won’t have to share it with your kids or grandkids. And unlike when you ate that last chocolate chip cookie, you won’t even feel guilty.
Your inner child could use some nurturing
You used to be fun, remember? You used to laugh. A lot. You had energy and found joy in the simplest of things. But somewhere along the line you became a responsible adult. With adult responsibilities. A lot of responsibilities. But you also have a responsibility to yourself. To that little girl that you used to be. Remember her? Sit down and color with her. It will make her smile.
It’s crazy fun to color with someone else
The only thing better than some alone time with your new adult coloring book is some together time coloring with someone else. Coloring is a perfect activity for time with your friends, kids, or grandkids. You will find yourself chatting, laughing, and showing each other your coloring masterpieces. Getting together with your girlfriends soon? Have an adult coloring book party. Pass out the coloring books, some markers, your favorite drink, and let the fun begin. Adult coloring books also make great activities or gifts for bridal showers or bachelorette parties. Women, coloring books, and Sharpie markers. It’s a good thing.
This is going to be your new addiction
It is. Honest. All day long you’re going to be thinking about getting back to that coloring book and combining blue and green or trying out that new hot pink marker. You will start browsing the art and office supply section of every store that you enter, looking for a new “fix” in the form of gel pens or markers. You will never have enough colors and will always want more. Yep. You’re going to be addicted. But it’s a good addiction. Fun, relaxing, calorie free, and you’ll never have to meet someone in a dark alley.
So, go ahead. Buy an adult coloring book. And then come back here and tell me how much you love it. Really. You will. Cross my heart.
Cheryl Shireman created the popular 2 Old 2 Color adult coloring book series. The first two books of the series are available on Amazon and other online retailers. 2 Old 2 Color: Wild Child and 2 Old 2 Color: Playful Heart (All coloring book images are from the 2 Old 2 Color series)
I am researching the benefits of coloring related to stress relief for a school project. I was curious whether or not you believe certain designs are more beneficial such as mandalas.
Hi Grace.
Thanks for stopping by! When I first heard about adult coloring books and saw that people were advertising them for stress relief I had to laugh. What a gimmick, I thought. Until I started coloring. I don’t know what it is about coloring, but it is definitely a method of stress relief. Personally, I don’t believe the design is as important as the act of coloring. Concentrating on something combined with the repetitive movements of coloring seems to result in stress relief. I don’t think it matters if you are coloring a mandala, a kitten, or an abstract doodle. I do think, however, that some people might find the coloring book images with a lot of tiny detail to actually be stress inducing.
Thanks again for stopping by and best of luck on your project Grace!